Growing Practice

Enhanced cash flow and practice growth
This practice's outdated billing system had significant limitations that hindered practice growth. Prior to affiliating with CIMplify, 38% of the practice's accounts receivable were over 90 days old and there were 68 days in accounts receivable. During the time that CIMplify has worked with the practice, accounts receivable over 90 days old have decreased to 27% and there are only 43 days in accounts receivable. Due to the capacity of the new systems, the practice has been able to grow and add three new physicians. The new system also enabled the practice to accumulate certain financial data needed to calculate its physician compensation formula in accordance with Stark regulations.
A Legacy of Medical Practice Successes A physician-owned company, CIMplify has worked with specialty medical practices throughout the country since 1997. Early on, it was recognized as one of the largest national consulting firms serving specialty medical practices. It was during this growth that the importance of a coherent IT strategy became apparent, as did the need to provide 24/7 technical support.
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